The Importance of Performance Management in a ‘Throw-Away’ Culture Era

The importance of performance management to private employers and government departments cannot be overstated. Performance management is more than the process of evaluating and managing employees to ensure that the employer is meeting its obligations. The benefits to effectively managing employees can be wide-reaching to both employers and employees, especially when you consider the huge costs associated with insurance and fair work claims.

The benefits to employers of effectively managing employees to effectively managing employees can be wide-reaching and when conducted correctly may provide a range of benefits to employers, including:

  • increasing employee productivity;
  • fostering and retaining knowledge and know-how;
  • providing a positive workplace culture; and
  • decreasing various workplace claims.

 Effective performance management typically involves the following:

  • clearly identifying the performance standards expected;
  • setting achievable goals for employees to strive towards and providing reasonable assistance to allow them to reach those goals;
  • providing employees with feedback about their performance;
  • providing opportunities for employees to further develop in relevant areas; and
  • rewarding employees who are achieving and exceeding the goals set.

Unfortunately, there is stigma that we are becoming more and more a “throw away” culture, where it is easier to pay for a problem to disappear early, without full consideration of the potential benefits of following a proper process and fixing a problem. This attitude means that private employers and government departments are potentially missing out on employees that might have otherwise had the opportunity to valuably contribute to the success and retention of knowledge in the workplace and ultimately may result in a bigger financial loss to the employer.

Parental Leave for Casual Employees

For casual employees the unpredictability of their employment can be a major source of stress as often casual employees miss out on many of the entitlements that full-time and part-time employees enjoy. For many, this concern is further exacerbated when they learn that they are about to become a parent. It should therefore be of …
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New bullying jurisdiction faces interesting challenge

The new anti-bullying jurisdiction was introduced to the Fair Work Commission on 1 January 2014. This means that employees may bring bullying complaints to the Fair Work Commission. Employers then respond, and the Commission then ‘deals’ with the complaint. This is likely to be in the form of a conference before a Commissioner, but may …
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