GL Insights
Changes introduced in the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Act 2022
The Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Act 2022, which commenced on 13 December 2022, introduced targeted measures to enhance the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)’s ability to regulate in line with community expectations and protect Australians’ privacy in the digital environment.
2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Snapshot
On 22 November 2023, the Australian Government released the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy (the Strategy). The goal of the strategy is for Australia to become a world leader in cyber security by 2030, and to build stronger cyber defences to enable our citizens and businesses to prosper, and to build cyber resilience so we can …
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Key employment law changes 1 July 2024 through to 1 January 2025
In addition to recent changes around fixed term contracts, there are a significant number of employment law changes coming into effect starting in July and continuing through to 1 January 2025. We have briefly outlined these below, and we encourage organisations to contact us to ensure their operations are compliant with each change.
Careful when taking on the big Boss – a lesson on section 60 and trade marks resembling those with a reputation in Australia
The recent decision in Hugo Boss Trade Mark Management GmbH & Co. KG v Boss Up Pty Ltd [2024] ATMO 129 demonstrates that a graphic device or logo in a trade mark may not be enough to obtain registration where a prominent feature of the mark resembles an existing mark with a reputation in Australia.
ASIC approves amended banking Code of Conduct
The Banking Code of Practice (the Code) outlines the standards of service and practice for banks in dealing with small business, guarantors and individual customers. The primary aim of the Code is to offer customers safeguards and protections beyond what is stipulated by law. It is designed to complement legal requirements and, in some instances, …
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Making strategic planning effective – fresh eyes and objectivity of an external facilitator
Spending time on developing the strategic direction of a company is one of the most important roles of the Board. Equally important is monitoring both how that strategy is being implemented, and how the operating environment might be changing to affect strategic direction and priorities.
The value of board surveys and board performance reviews
At the end of a board meeting do you feel flat, or energised? Taking note of your energy and whether you feel negative or flat after a meeting can be an indicator that the board is not working effectively and probably not creating value for the company.
Bullying v reasonable requests by supervisor
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) provides a process for employees to apply for stop bullying orders where they are being bullied at work. Section 789FD (2) of the Act makes it clear that “reasonable management action carried out in a reasonable manner” does not amount to bullying conduct.
Can I consider a criminal record during the hiring process?
A recent ACAT decision COMPLAINANT DT292023 v THE CANBERRA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Discrimination) [2024] ACAT 42 (the Decision) considered whether the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) withdrew an offer of employment to an applicant (the Applicant) based on an irrelevant criminal record that was disclosed as part of her application process.
Additional reporting requirements for certain not-for-profit organisations
From 1 July 2024 (for the previous financial year), certain not-for-profits will be required to lodge a self-review return regarding their income tax exempt status with the Australian Taxation Office.