Traps in being too strict in probity

Probity is central to Australian Government procurement. To achieve probity in a procurement process, some of the general principles for officials to be mindful of include: To help comply with these principles, there are now well-established probity practices developed and refined over the last three decades that should be used. These practices include the implementation …
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Informal Wills

The recent case of In the Estate of Jansen [2020] ACTSC 130 (26 May 2020) underscores the importance of obtaining legal advice in relation to the proper execution of Wills. In this case, a document in the conventional form of a Will did not meet the formal requirements of the Wills Act 1968 (ACT) (Wills …
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kangaroos fighting

Can a dispute about a Deed, be resolved by the Deed in dispute?

The lessons from Rinehart v Hancock Prospecting Whether you’re confused about the heading of this article or identify with it – the question of how to resolve a dispute under a Deed is not always so simple. This was recently seen in one of the many legal battles plaguing the Rinehart family which ended in …
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