Trans-Tasman IP protection: how to register a trade mark in New Zealand

Despite the recent decrease in travel due to COVID-19, we still live in the age of globalisation. It is not uncommon for businesses to expand trade to other countries, including our friendly neighbours in New Zealand. Trading across the Tasman may be particularly attractive if a travel bubble were to eventuate. Trading in a new …
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Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Copyright law in the age of Social Media

Australia’s copyright laws, enshrined in the Copyright At 1968 (Cth)(the Act) are designed to protect original, tangible material. For example, you can protect things like artistic or literary work, articles, photographs, maps, broadcasts and other pieces of multimedia. Despite there being no registration scheme in Australia like there is for trademarks, copyright material is said …
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You’d be nuts not to register your trade marks!

You’d be nuts not to register your trade marks!

Federal Court makes ruling on licensing of unregistered trade marks in Peanut Butter dispute. You may have noticed a change in the branding of your favourite peanut butter recently. In 2017, the Kraft peanut butter business was purchased by Bega Cheese. Central to the Kraft products is their instantly recognisable, bright yellow packaging design which …
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Safer Internet Day 2019

Griffin Legal is a proud supporter of Safe Internet Day. From cyberbullying to social networking, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns.  This year the focus is raising awareness to help ensure that our children and young people can explore the internet …
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