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Brumbies into 2017

Opinion Piece – Peter J McGrath As the new year is upon us, I thought it would be an appropriate opportunity to give an update on the activities at the Brumbies. As we move into another important year in the history of the organisation, I was generally hoping that things would be more positive, and …
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Commercial and Retail Leasing: Bank Guarantee v Bond

It is typical for landlords to require tenants to provide security under a lease, to secure the tenant’s obligations under the lease.  There are various types of security that may be provided, including bank guarantees, bonds and – where the tenant is a company – personal guarantees from the directors of the tenant entity. The …
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Unfair Contract Terms – A Change Is Coming

The unfair contracts legislation is being amended with effect from 12 November 2016 to apply to small businesses in addition to individuals. What is the current law? Unfair contract terms are regulated under the Australian Consumer Law – Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) Schedule 2 (CCA). Section 23 of the CCA states that any …
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Cleaning up a Toxic Workplace Culture

In recent years, the concept of workplace culture has come into the spotlight exposing some of Australia’s largest organisations, including the Australian Defence Force in 2013, and more recently during 2016, the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The recent independent review into the workplace culture of the AFP by former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick has …
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Sharapova Vs Essendon

On 4 October 2016, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), issued a decision reducing the suspension given by an Independent Tribunal of the International Tennis Federation (ITF), to Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova for committing an anti-doping violation. The CAS reduced Sharapova’s suspension from two years down to fifteen months, after finding that she …
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What you need to know about the new “medical research” function for an Enduring Power of Attorney

On 1 September 2016 the Powers of Attorney Act 2006 (the Act) was amended to allow a person (the Principal) to authorise their nominated attorney to make decisions about medical research matters involving ethically approved research when the Principal becomes a person with impaired decision making capacity. This authority is in addition to the existing …
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5 essential probity tasks in government procurement

When the Government spends money, it is spending your money and my money, so we expect that there is a certain level of transparency and accountability. If there is little transparency or accountability, it is easy to throw around allegations of bias, and unfair advantage. Such allegations are not only damaging to the individuals involved, …
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